Friday, June 13, 2008

Intro to a truly obsessed person

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog! My name is Holden. This is my first post, but please do post your comments! This first post will mainly serve as intro to myself and my background.

I am starting this post mainly as an avenue for me to vent all of my feelings about sports that no one else will be willing to listen to. This idea was suggested to me today by a girl who I was talking to tonight after my Lakers lost Game 4 of the NBA Finals. Feel free to ridicule me, make fun of me, and give your opinion. I want to hear what my readers have to think!

I am originally from Dallas, Texas but currently live in Maryland in the the Washington, D.C. area. I go to school at Texas Tech University. Among my friends, and many other people, I am known as a sports nerd/freak. I am sometimes even compared to the Schwab from ESPN because I have a vast knowledge of the history of most sports and know statistics that no one else even bothers to care about. I enjoy having heated sports arguments and debates with several of my friends, mainly Max and Masar who you will all surely hear about. I also read Bill Simmons' columns on and follow many other sports writers, including

Now onto what really matters, my sports background! My favorite teams are the San Francisco Giants, the Los Angeles Lakers, the Dallas Cowboys, and the Pittsburgh Penguins. Before you tell me I am a bandwagon rider, let me at least explain why each of these teams is my favorite.

First the easy one, the Cowboys. Being from Dallas, of course I am a Cowboys fan! Next the Lakers. I did not really watch much basketball until I was in 5th or 6th grade. Before then, I would sometimes watch a Bulls game here or there to see Michael Jordan but I had no honest idea of what was really going on. The first game I really ever watched was Game 7 of the 2000 Western Conference Finals between the Trailblazers and the Lakers. The Lakers were down by a lot and began making a furious comeback as everyone now remembers. I fell in love with Kobe Bryant as I watched the game, as well as Derek Fisher who is actually my favorite player. The main reason I am a Lakers fan though is because of the famous Kobe-to-Shaq alley-oop that sealed the victory. I had never seen anything like that, and seeing the happiness on Shaq's face has made me a Lakers fan ever since.

The reason I am a Giants fan is because like basketball, I did not watch much baseball at all as a child. I was a late-bloomer when it came to sports. The first season where I really started to watch closely was 2001. This was also when my parents finally bought satellite so I had ESPN on my tv. Everyday they would talk about a "Barry Bonds". At first I saw he was always hitting doubles which I thought was cool. Then I found out he was also hitting a record number of homeruns...... I began to watch Giants games and he would hit homeruns which excited me a lot. I fell in love with Barry and became a Giants fan as a result. One of my beliefs is that you know you truly are a fan of a team when you cry over them. My most heartbreaking moment as a sports fan to date is Game 6 of the 2002 World Series. I cried after the loss because I knew that game was no different then the Buckner game for the RedSox. To this day the Angels are still my least favorite team in all of sports. And if you're wondering, I did in fact cry after the Lakers loss tonight in Game 4! I still am not sure whether or not I'll be watching Game 5....I probably will now that I have a blog to keep up to date with.

I am a Penguins fan because when I began to play sports video games the first one I played was a demo of NHL 2001. The only two teams you could be were the Avalanche and the Penguins. I was the Penguins, and I won because some guy named Mario Lemieux scored 20 goals for me. I thought he was pretty cool and decided he would be my favorite player, and I would be a Penguins fan. Random I know but that's how some things work.

This post was mainly an intro, so keep a look out for my next post! Again, please comment on my posts and feel free to send me emails at I might answer emails and do mailbags like Bill Simmons does in his columns.